The Irigaray Circle is maintained by the Irigaray Circle Directors, overseen and counseled by an Executive Committee. Any individual interested in participating in the governance of The Irigaray Circle should email [email protected].
Irigaray Circle Co-directors
The Directors work with conference organizers on the peer review of submissions for the annual conference, including the selection of plenary speakers and the awarding of the Karen Burke Memorial Prize. In making these decisions, the co-directors will consult with the Executive Committee.
- Athena Colman, Brock University, CAN
- Sabrina Hom, Georgia College and State University, USA
- Rebecca Hill, RMIT University, AUS
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is responsible for the continuance of the Circle and solicits and vets proposals for the annual conference.
Executive Committee Members:
Executive Committee Members:
- Nicole desBouvrie, Nordic Summer University, SWE
- Wesley Barker, Mercer University, USA
- Jena Jolissaint, South University, USA
- Rachel Jones, George Mason University, USA
- Phyllis Kaminski, St. Mary’s College, USA
- Ruthanne Crapo Kim, Minneapolis College, USA
- Mitchell Damian Murtagh, Emory University, USA
- Emily Parker, Towson University, USA
- Mary C. Rawlinson, University College London, GBR
- Laura Roberts, Flinders University, AUS
- James Sares, Emerson College, USA
- Gail Schwab, emerita, Hofstra University, USA
- Sigríður Þorgeirsdóttir, University of Iceland, ISL
- Sigríður Guðmarsdóttir, University of Iceland, ISL
Advisory Board:
- Rosi Braidotti, Utrecht University, NLD
- Louise Burchill, University of Melbourne, AUS
- Tina Chanter, Newcastle University, UK
- Chung-Yi Chu, National Chung Hsing University, TWN
- Maria Fannin, University of Bristol, UK
- Elizabeth Grosz, Emerita, Duke University and Stony Brook University, USA
- Lynn Huffer, Emory University, USA
- Emily Holmes, Christian Brothers University, USA
- Cheryl Lawler, St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute, USA
- Elaine Miller, Miami University of Ohio, USA
- Ellen Mortenson, University of Bergen, NOR
- Shaireen Rasheed, Long Island University, USA
- Peg Rawes, University College London, GBR
- Yvette Russell, University of Bristol, GBR
- Stephen Seely, Newcastle University, GBR
- Lenart Skof, Science and Research Center of Koper, SVN
- Fanny Söderbäck, Södertörn University, SWE
- Alison Stone, Lancaster University, GBR